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Jelutong(日落洞) is named after the tree Dyera costulata, which is now commercially grown for timber. The area may has numerous Jelutong trees in the old days. The earliest settlers in Jelutong are the Malays and North Sumatrans,their built their settlements along Sungai Pinang. Places such as Kampung Rawa trace its origin to the original settlers which arrived even earlier than Francis Light.
Jalan Jelutong is a long road, which is between Sungai Pinang Bridge and Bukit Dumbar. It come from Jalan CY Choy as the main road away from Georgetown, and joined Jalan Glugor to the north.
Jelutong market is one of the largest and vibrant morning market in Penang. Other than fresh produce, it is also popular venue for breakfast , especially for those who are having daily exercise at nearby Bukit Dumbar.The char-koay-tew, wan-tan-mee, Hockkien mee(or prawn mee), curry mee, chee-chong fan, sha-hor-fan are the popular street food available at Lorong Ipoh. The coffee shops are Ah Cheng Cafe(most popular), 88 cafe, Lai Lai Cafe, and the coffee shop opposite(name unknown). At the corner coffee shop at Jalan Penaga, just opposite the junction, the Lorong Ipoh across the junction, there is another area popular for breakfast. The Lor Mee at Kim Hee coffee shop there is popular, but it only open in afternoon on 3 p.m..
Hussain Mee Goreng and Mee Rebus, located at Jalan Penaga, in front of the coffee shop at the corner of Jelutong Road/Jalan Penaga,just near the wet market building. Hussain have been operating the stalls for more than 20 years. He can speak a very fluent hokkien!. This stall is located right after the turn to the right into Jelutong Wet Market.
At evening and night the same area near the Jalan Penaga junction, become the night market. The tong-sui stall at the corner coffee shop , with the name Mat-tho-yau is popular, the nasi kandar opposite at Lorong Ipoh, the Char -koay-teow, and other street food stall in front of the wet market building at Jalan Penaga, where the herbal chicken noodle is popular.
The shop at the right corner of Jalan Penaga,just in front of the pedestrian crossing at Jalan Jelutong(Jelutong Road)
The entrance from Jalan Jelutomg ( by foot only , impossible to move by car)
This is the coffee shop (Ah Cheng Cafe) I took my breakfast, along Lorong Ipoh. If you enter from Lorong Ipoh, it is on the right side, just opposte the popular Char Koay Teow stall. The kopi-o here is good, kau-kau...The coffee shop is with several food stalls with variety of Penang food. Try the curry mee, prawn mee,lor mee, sha-hor-fan etc
Lor-mee, a starchy noodle. This noodle only found in Penang
Char Koay Teow, a fried white flat noodle
A notice in Chinese poetic format, remind patron of the coffee shop to keep the place clean and be polite, to patiently wait for the food. A very meaningful reminder.
kopi-peng(ice coffee with milk)
Koay Teow T'ng
Mee Jawa(爪哇麵)
Kopi-O( Local coffee without milk, or black coffee). kau-kau....
The stalls and table at coffee shop, very busy each day, with varieties of food
A coffee shop, with the monk going for his morning donation drive. But please beware of bogus monk, it is not the habit of Malaysian monk to go for donation walk each morning like Thailand or Laos. This coffee shop is behind the Char -koay-teow stall. Popular food stalls are wan-tan-mee,chee choong fan, and of course,the Char Koay Teow.
A signage in front of Char Koay Teow stall
The popular Char-koay-teow stall
Frying char-koay-teow(small flat noodle) at the stall
The food hawker
Wan- tan- mee stall, very popular stall. When we arrived in the market the noodle has all sold out.
Chee Chong Fun stall, another popular stall
The man is selling Chinese herbal
Moon cakes- the other variety(kong-chai-peng?)
The motorbike trying to move in within the crowd
Egg seller
Kuei or cake seller
Frying koay-kak
The raw koay kak
Cha-koay-kak(炒粿角) stall, at Jalan Penaga, just in front of the shop directly opposite the wet market building, but may be hidden from the street hawker stalls.
A flower stall, a Malay woman is passing by
An Indian stall that sell spices and nuts
A old coffee shop at the entrance of Jalan Penaga/Jelutong Road.
The view of open air market from Jalan Penaga
The crowd for the morning market
The entrance to the wet market building
Fish seller
Hey,my fish is fresh
Pick some prawn?
An old signage showing the pork section, may be a colonial signage as it show four languages,which is rare for post -independence signage which are mainly in Malay or Bahasa Malaysia,the national language .
Pork seller
Street vegetable seller and his stall
Sundry good stall
Another vegetable stall, behind is the food stalls and coffee shop
The cobbler
Apom Telur, 4 for two Malaysian dollars. A typical Malaysian Indian food.
The flour mixing
Making Apom in the small customized pan
The Indian delicacy, Apom.
It is rolled up
Ready to eat, Apom Telur( Apom with egg)
The friendly couples
An Indian man selling fresh coconut water. I love coconut water, better than mineral water, especially when you travel in the rural areas in South East Asia.
Flower stall
Bigger Yam(芋頭) and smaller Taro(小芋頭), which is a must for moon cake festival or Mid-Autumn festival(中秋節), which fall on the 15th day of 8th month of lunar calendar.
"ox-horn"(菱角), a type of traditional food for moon cake festival. What is its actual name?
Fruit stall
Durian seller, now is off season.
The crowd at Lorong Ipoh street
The beginning of the market at Lorong Ipoh, today is weekday. The weekend or public holiday, the morning market is extremely busy; the stalls may line up until the end of Lorong Ipoh.
The friendly Malay fruit seller with his pick up truck(with Thai number plate), selling pomeloes and logan fruits. He is from Padang Besar, the Thai border town. The pamelo fruit from Baling is sweet and juicy, 3 for RM10.
Lorong Ipoh
Lebuhraya Jelutong,with its food hawker complex, but only open at night
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