Lahu people are originated from
(i) Lahu are the minority hill tribes in People Republic of China, where 453,705 lived in Yunnan (云南) Province, they are called Lahuzu, Ladhulsi or Kawzhawd(拉祜族). The tribes are mainly distributed in the river basin of Lancangjiang or Lancang River (澜沧江流域), near Pu’er city(formerly思茅, now Pu'er 普洱which is a tea city), Lincang city(临沧).The Lahu are mainly in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County(澜沧拉祜族自治县) under the jurisdiction of Pu'er Prefecture level City (普洱市), and Menglian(孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县) located in Pu'er Prefecture level City(普洱市), Shuangjiang Autonomous Counties(双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县) located in Lincang Prefecture level city(临沧市), mainly South Western Yunnan; some are also in neighboring Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture(西双版纳傣族自治州), Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture (红河哈尼族彝族自治州) and Yuxi (玉溪市地区)。About 80% of Lahu are at the west of Lancangjiang or
(iii) North Thailand, about 100,000. The Lahu in
(iv) There are also 10,000 in
(v) 1,500 in
The Lahu people are divided into sub groups, mainly:
(i) Lahu Na (Black Lahu)
(ii) Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu)
(iii) Lahu Hpu (White Lahu)
(iv) Lahu Shi (Yellow Lahu) or Kui or Kucong
(v) Lahu Shehleh.
The Lahu subgroups are named after color, which are the color of their traditional dress. These groups do not function as a tribes or clans. There are no kin groups above that of the family unit.
Lahu traced their descent bilaterally or bilineal, the descent of individual is reckoned from both father and mother, unlike unilineal, where the descent is reckoned from either father or mother. The Lahu people are having gender equality in kinship.
The traditional religion was polytheistic. Mahayana Buddhism was introduced to them in late 1600s and became widespread. The Christianity however was established in
The majority of Lahu in
Lahu people are very committed to maintain their traditional way of life, and they normally stay in settlement remote from roads and towns. They are primarily subsistence farmer, but also proud of their hunter-warrior heritage. They are strict, serious people governed by principle of right and wrong, each individual is following the common will of the elders. Less important is placed on extended family, but they are strongly committed to unity of the tribe for survival. They are friendly and simple people.
The women -gender equality, some of them are the leaders in the village. The male respect the view of their woman.
The young girls and their colorful traditional dress
Lahu women are skilled in weaving cloth, both on back-strap and foot-treadle looms, producing delicate patchwork trims, and unusual embroidery work. The Black Lahu women wear the most distinctive costumes within this tribe. They wear a black cloak with diagonal cream stripes. The top of the sleeve is decorated in bold colors of red and yellow.
拉祜族: 民族概况
拉祜族是我国云南省西南部的一个山区少数民族,自称“拉祜”,他称有“倮黑”、“哥搓”、“缅”、“目舍”、“苦聪”等。主要分布在澜沧江流域的思茅、临沧 两地区,相邻的西双版纳傣族自治州、红河哈尼族彝族自治州及玉溪地区也有分布。约80%的拉祜族聚居在澜沧江以西地区。根据2000年第五次全国人口普查 统计,拉祜族人口数为453705。使用拉祜语,属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支。拉祜族人民长期与汉族、傣族密切交往,多能兼用汉语和傣语。过去部分拉祜族曾 使用过西方传教士创制的拉丁字母形式的文字。1957年,在原有字母的基础上创制了拼音文字。
拉 祜族渊源于甘、青地区的古羌人,历史上,曾有古羌人的部分支系向南迁徙,进入今云南境内,分布在金沙江南岸地带,秦汉时期,活动于洱海地区的彝语支各族体 被泛称为“昆明夷”,其中便含有拉祜族的先民。自唐代起,拉祜族先民自金沙江南岸地带分东西两路陆续南迁。其中西路一支,经今弥渡、巍山,渡澜沧江,到达 临沧,分布在澜沧江以西地区,是为“拉祜纳”。东路一支,顺今哀牢山西侧和无量山东侧南下,分布在澜沧江以东地区,是为“拉祜西”。与拉枯族在历史上有密 切关系的彝族,称拉祜纳为“大倮黑”,拉祜西为“小倮黑”,称拉祜族寨子为“倮黑加”。元、明两代,拉祜族人民多处于傣族土司统治之下,清末在今澜沧县设 镇边厅。
拉 祜族的服饰具有独特的民族风格。男子裹黑色头巾,穿无领大襟衫和裤管宽大的长裤。拉祜纳支系妇女裹一丈多长的头巾,末端从背后垂及腰际。她们穿开岔很高的 长袍,衣领周围和岔子两边都镶有彩色几何纹布块或条纹布条,沿衣领至开襟嵌有银泡。拉祜熙支系妇女则穿短衣褶裙或统裙。同汉族、傣族人民交往较多的地方, 拉祜族男女也爱穿汉式和傣式服装。拉祜族主食大米,辅以玉米、薯类、豆类、养子等。蔬菜有萝卜、青菜、瓜类、豆类,喜吃辣椒。拉祜族男女都喜吸草烟,也吃 煮茶,尤嗜饮酒。拉祜族十分热情好客,逢年过节,都要邀请周围傣、哈尼、布朗等族人民一起饮酒会餐。这时全寨大宰牲畜,各户都要分一节大肠和几勺鲜血,伴 以盐巴、辣椒,剁细生吃。拉祜族认为,“剁生肉”是待客的最好菜肴。房屋建筑为竹木结构的木桩斜顶干栏建筑——楼房。适应小家庭组织的木桩建筑有方形和椭 圆形两种,另一种是大型竹木建筑,一般由12根至21根木桩架起,内分若干住房。受汉族或彝族影响的村落,通常采用汉式土墙平房,房顶以茅草或木板覆盖。
拉 祜族实行一夫一妻制,一般不与他族通婚。男女青年恋爱自由,父母虽可干预儿女婚姻,但很少包办,一般都尊重儿女的选择。拉祜西支系还较多地保留双系的“俄折俄卡”制度,男性祖先的男性后代属一俄折俄卡,女性祖先的女性后代一母系俄折俄卡。子女有平等的财产继承权。双系间多仅限于派出姨表婚。多由女方向男方 表示爱意,婚礼在女家举行。男子常住女嫁。或南方入赘3年。拉钴纳支系已实行父系制度,排除姑表婚或禁止父系5代之内通婚。由男方表示爱意,婚礼在男家举 行,入赘3年或在妻方居住3天。
20 世纪50年代前,拉祜族信奉原始宗教,崇拜多神。拉祜族认为万物均有精灵依附,自然界中的日月星辰、风雨雷电等现象均有精灵主宰,因而对这些自然现象和自 然力表示崇拜。拉祜族崇拜多神,诸如天神、地神、雷神、司报神等,都是拉祜族崇拜的重要之神。清初,大乘佛教经大理僧侣杨德洲传入后,拉祜族民间也流行此 教。澜沧和临沧少数村落的拉祜族居民信仰基督教或天主教。
拉 祜族的传统节日有春节、端午节、火把节、尝新节等。春节是拉祜族最盛大的节日,新年前夕,家家户户舂米打粑粑;节日期间,男女老少穿红着绿,换上新装,走 村串寨,相互拜访,或跳各种集体舞蹈,整个村寨一片欢腾。火把节也别有情趣,届时以松木为燎,火把齐燃,蔚为壮观,身着节日盛装的青年男女在篝火旁载歌载 舞,尽情欢歌,气氛热烈。
Their houses are mainly built on high stilts with walls of bamboo or wooden planks, thatched with grass. A ladder leads to the open central living area, with a store room to one side and living quarters to the other.
Their domestic animals like chicken, pigs and buffalos are kept in the basement corral.
The view from the village house
The view from the village
They are good horseman, the remaining trace of hunter background. The Han Chinese called them tiger hunter. The Thai called them Hunter.
The wooden toilet outside the house. It is simple and basic as you can found in rural areas of Asia. The nature fertilizer for their farm are derived from here, organic and environmental friendly.
The youtube video posting may not be the hit, but it shown the Lahu house building , it is a team activities as a closely knitted community. The pictures are taken during the Christmas last December in North Thailand.
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