Sunday, May 17, 2009

Han Chiang High School(韩江中学)




1962年当时教育制度改变,全马各华文中学纷纷改制为全津贴的国民型中学,本校董事部议决不接受改制而成为华文独立中学,自筹自办,不受政府分文 津贴。在众善心大德的支持及热心捐献下,韩江中学完善的硬体建设一一的落实(室内体育馆图书馆、商科楼),一时韩江中学被称为大马最具规模,设备最完善的 独立中学。

韩江中学自创迄今已过半个世纪,七十年代及八十年代初期,学生来自全马各州!及邻近东合国家,尤其以泰国及印尼为首,学生人数一度达三千余名。韩江 中学肩负维护及发扬中华优秀文化的重任,培养实用之工商科学人材,以适应环境之需求。除了坚持母语教育,1998年更创立了韩江ELS语言中心,提供高素 质英文教学,1999年设立两间冷气电脑室,以提供学生电脑资讯课程。同时更创办韩江学院,开 拓学子升学的管道。


(source: photo and article from

Han Chiang High School(韩江中学) is a private Chinese high school located at Jalan Han Chiang, Penang, Malaysia. The school field is actually fronting the Jalan Air Itam,and the back entrance is at Jalan Lim Lian Teng.The school was found by the Penang Teochew Association of Penang in 1950.

The school is located at land measuring 33 acres, donated by the late Lim Lian Teng, where the bronze statute of him is now proudly stand in front of the school.

The facilities included a indoor stadium, student hostel, English learning centre, library, 5 science laboratories, 2 computer lab, a music hall, a multipurpose hall , and a big field in front of the school. The classrooms are all air conditioned.

It is an international school since its founding, it had attracted students from Thailand and Indonesia. Today, the students are from Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Laos and Pakistan. A truly international school......

The former students during the 50's to 60's before independence , were actively involved in the community , student movement and they were highly concern on the political future of the country. But the students today may not be in the era similar to the pre- independent period of 50s and 60s, but they are active in sport and other extramural activities in the school.

If you want to know more about the school, please visit their school web site, It may be in Chinese, you can use the translation software provided by Goggle to view the web site in English.

Related posting:

(i)Earlier posting on Monday, April 13, 2009 with the title "韩江家庙 Han Jiang Ancestral Temple, Penang".
(ii) Posting on 17-5-2009, with the title" Penang Teochew Association
(iii)The Han Chiang High School stadium, was the venue of the dinner that started the now famous political tsunami, or 308 election in 2008 where the opposition scored a big victory. Please refer to the posting on 18-5-2009 with title " Political Tsunami on 308".
(iv)Han Chiang High School's school web site:

The statue of the late Lim Lian Teng, who danated the land to the school.


  1. 看到这篇。。真是感触良多

  2. You can visit their school web site to know HCHS latest development, or just visit the school, you will able to recollect some of your memory in school. HCHS did not change much, really.

    Beautiful school.

  3. So,are you the alumni of HCHS? I am the graduate of 1987. Thanks for this article which brings back good memories.

  4. No, but my son and uncle are the old boys. HCHS is always in my heart as it is the independent school with eventful past, and played major role in the development of Penang. In the 50s and recent 308.
