The Majestic cinema had closed
Majestic or Tye Hwa cinema
The upper floor of the cinema
The side of the cinema at Khoo Sian Ewe Road
The Majestic Cinema main entrance
The side entrance of the cinema
Looking back, we are pity that the road was abandoned.
The view from Penang Road T- junction.
The view toward Penang Road,opposite is Kimberley Street.
Some corner for the tired legs...
The entrance from Penang Road is closed
A little beautification at the entrance of the road from Penang Road
Only birds are left......
Jalan Phee Choon
Phee Choon Road or Jalan Phee Choon(丕焌路/碧春路) is named after a local personality Lim Phee Choon,who together with Foo Thye Sin, and Ong At Tye were appointed as commissioner to probe Penang Riots of 1867. Lim Phee Choon and Foo Thye Sin was made Justice of Peace(JP) in 1872.
The Road(actually a side lane) is located between Transfer Road and Penang Road, just beside the Penang Police State Head Quarter. The famous land mark of the road was Majestic cinema, which used to show Chinese movie produced by Hong Kong producers which are pro-Chinese communists. The movies produced by Great Wall and Dragon and Phoenix. The cinema building is owned by Khoo Sian Ewe, it is called Khoo Sian Ewe Theatre. A road beside the cinema was named after him. The cinema was opened in 1926, it was the first cinema to film Chinese movie with sound track. The cinema had closed. The whole street is now abandoned. The road is now an eye sore to Penang Heritage city status, where the colonial shophouses were left in a dilapidated state.
Is that any law in Penang to ensure that the property owner will maintain the properties owned by them, so not to adversely affect the image of the city? Why MPPP keep a close eyes on the dilapidated buildings? It is a pity that the row of colonial shop houses are left to be subject to nature's wear and tear.
漸被遺忘的街道- 丕竣路
2004-2-22 15:08:29
Reposting, author unknown
如今,從調和路轉入丕竣路的路口,是不會見到“Jalan Phee Choon”的路牌的,而在從丕竣路要轉出槟榔律的路口擁有一個隱蔽的路牌,路牌被雜草給遮蔽了。
李丕俊爲當日泉系領袖李丕耀、丕铨的兄弟;胡泰興爲客幫的活躍分子,他們都對“邦客械鬥”事件的調解居功至偉。因此,丕竣路(Phee Choon Road)及四條路(Tye Sin Street),分別爲紀念他倆而命名。
當 時,傳聞本地一間生意當紅的發展公司已向政府伸出觸角,以發展這塊位于鬧市的黃金地,而在發展列車的開動下,盛傳政府有意脫售該地予私人界發展,據悉當時 本地的一家著名發展財團獲取這塊黃金地的機會很高,雙方相信也已展開洽談。而當時該地皮的價值估計介于1億多至2億令吉之間。
The corner shop which was once a Mamak restaurant
The Penang State Police HQ, a side entrance
The side view of Majesty Cinema at Jalan Phee Choon
The window with the outgrowth of trees
One of the side entrance to cinema
Side view of Majestic Cinema
The side view of the cinema building , with the side entrance
One of the door at the double storey shop house/residential building
The dilapidated shop houses
The roof top with the outgrowth of the trees, which will destroyed the building soon.
The close view of dipiladated house
The view of the upper floor
The view of the window with the tree, growing strong...
The 5 foot way
The side view of police station
The view of the road from Transfer Road
Look at the big tree, the interior of the row of d/s houses/shophouses must had been in the bad shape for some time. It is a mockery to Penang Heritage city status....
The view of dilapidated houses at the right entrance from Transfer Road
The side pedestrian pavement beside police station. Left entrance from Transfer Road.
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