The lane is named after Khoo Sian Ewe(1886-1964, 邱善佑), who is a philanthropic land owner, he owned the land located on both side of the road.
Khoo Sian Ewe is the second son of Kapitan China Khoo Chew Teong from Sumatra. He took over some his father's estates, and quickly climbed up the ladder and become leader in the Chinese community. He was the President of Penang Chinese Town Hall(1927-1964) and President of Chinese Chamber of Commerce(1933-1941). He was made a JP(or Justice of Peace) in 1920, and Municipal Commissioner, until the Japanese Occupation in 1941. He was a member of the Straits Settlements Legislative Council from 1934 until 1941. He was also knighted the CBE or Commander of the British Empire in 1954.
The Majestic or Thye Hwa cinema(大华戏院) was built by him. He also helped two of his Hainanese cook who are brothers , to establish a restaurant named Loke Thye Kee Restaurant. Khoo Sian Ewe helped his cooks to realise their ambition of having ownership of a restaurant.
The late Honorable Khoo Sian Ewe, C.B.E.,O.B.E., J.P., also donated 4 cottages in memory of his beloved wife, the late Mdm. Lee Sim Neoh,to Silver Jubilee Home for the Aged(槟城双溪赖银禧老人院 ).

邱善佑(1886一1964),一八八六年十月廿七日出 生於马六甲,在槟城大英义学攻读,离校後即襄助父业,成为槟城大实业家。历任平章会馆协信理(一九二二至一九六四)会长(一九二七至一九六四)、中华总商会正会长(一九三三至四一年)、华人参事局参事、保良局主席、工部局议员、中央医院委员、华侨仁善会发起人兼会长、益善社、邱善佑奖学基金、龙山堂邱公司 (家长)、绍德堂邱公司、敦敬堂邱公司(主席)、邱氏家族会(主席)、金兰社、宝珠社、宝福社(社长)等社团信理员、大英义学校友会主席、英华校友会名誉 会长、大英义学董事、中华中小学董事长、锺灵中学名誉校董、孔教会、漳州会馆、中华游泳公会等团体发起人兼会长、中华体育会副会长、羽球公会发起人之一、 首届主席、首任赞助人(一九二六年)、商业俱乐部主席、海峡殖民地立法议会非官吏议员(一九三四至一九四一年)、平糶局局长、伦敦皇家艺术协会会员等职。喬治市市政局市議員. 曾先後荣膺太平局绅(一九二0年)、英帝国勋章0.B.E,(一九三九年)、英帝国勋爵C.B.K(一九五四年)。大华戏院原称邱善佑战院,座落於邱善佑路右侧。住宅在槟榔律一号(吴文向承建)。妻李玉太,系李绵忠独生女,亦系星洲及本屿万兴号轮船公司东主邱忠道外孙女。善佑卒於一九六四年一月廿四日。(郑永美)
1951年12月的喬治市市政局議員局部選舉,是英殖民地政府為表示崇尚民主制的第一個步驟,用以緩和馬來亞各政黨要求走向自治的壓力。這也是馬來亞聯合邦有史以來的第一個議會選舉。 在過去,凡是議員都是委任的,雖然各有關代表性的團體可推薦候選人;例如戰後由英政府委任的市議員有平章會館的王學才醫生、英屬海峽殖民地華人公會的李長景醫生、檳城海峽殖民地公會的古密、檳城西商會的馬丁、檳城中華總商會的林耀椿,政府直接委任的有7人,包括邱善佑,全部12人。12月1日喬治市政局選舉,原任市議員被割愛的有:邱善佑、王如山、林耀椿.
The mosque, Masjid Titi Papan (established in 1893)is having Friday prayer today
The view toward Burma Road
The right entrance(left from Burma Road). This is the point where Prangin Canal used to reach. The canal was once reached Jalan Transfer(the street was created in 1867), where a plank bridge (or titi papan) across it.
The only shop located here, and still open.A tailor shop.
The rear view of the Loke Thye Kee Restaurant. The back view is KOMTAR.
The side of Majestic cinema(大华戏院) at left corner of Jalan Khoo Sian Ewe
The dipiladated state of the cinema.
The side view of the Majestic cinema(大华戏院)
The window of the colonial shop houses
The row of shop houses which had closed
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