Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hua Shan (华山/ 華山)

Hua Shan (华山/ 華山) is located in the Shaanxi Province(陝西省), about 120 kilometres east of the city of Xi'an(西安市), near the city Huayin(华阴市) in China. Also known as Xi Yue(西岳), literally The Western Sacred Mountain, it is the western mountain of China's Five Sacred Mountains(五岳), and has a long history of religious significance.

The 5 Sacred Mountains(五嶽 or 五岳) are:-

1. Dongyue(东岳)or East - Mount Tai or Taishan(泰山) from Shangdong Province;
2. Nan Yue (南岳)or South- Mount Heng(衡山)of Hunan Province;
3. Xi Yue(西岳)or West- Mount Hua or Huashan(华山) of Shaanxi Province;
4. Beiyue(北岳)or North- Mount Heng or Hengshan (恒山) from Shanxi Province;
5. Zhongyue(中岳)or Central - Mount Song or Songshan(嵩山) of Henan province

The 5 sacred mountains are also the 5 sacred mountains of Taoism or Daoism(道教名山). The most sacred mountain is Taishan(泰山是中国五岳之首). Coincidentally two of the mountains are with the same English name, due to pronunciation, Mount Heng; but in Chinese they are actually two different mountain, 衡山 & 恒山. Huashan is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain among the 5 sacred mountains(“奇险天下第一山”之称).

Originally Huashan is classified as having three peaks, in modern times the mountain is classified as five main peaks, of which the highest is the South Peak at 2160 m.

Huashan is located near the southeast corner of the Ordos Loop section of the Yellow River basin(黄河流域), south of the Wei River(淮河) valley, at the eastern end of the Qinling Mountains (秦岭, Tsinling or Chinling/Qinling), in southern Shaanxi province. It is part of the Kunlun Mountains Range(昆仑山脉) that divides not only northern and southern Shaanxi, but also China.

There are 5 major peaks in Huashan. Traditionally, only the giant plateau with its summits to the south of the peak Wu Yun Feng (五雲峰, literally Five Cloud Summit) was called Tai Hua Shan (太華山, literally Grand Hua Shan or Grand Flower Mountain). It could only be accessed through the ridge known as Cang Long Ling (蒼龍嶺, literally Dark Dragon Ridge) until a second trail was built in the 1980's to go around Cang Long Ling. Three peaks were identified with respective summits: the East Peak, South Peak and West Peak.

The East Peak, Dong Feng (東峰), consists of four summits. The highest summit is Cao Yang Feng (朝陽峰, literrally Facing Yang Summit, i.e. the summit facing the Sun). It's elevation is reported to be 2096.2 meters and its name is often used as the name for the whole East Peak. This is the peak with the best view of sunrise. To the east of Cao Yang Feng is Shi Lou Feng (石楼峰, literally Stone Tower Peak), to the south is Bo Tai Feng (博台峰, literally Broad Terrace Peak) and to the west is Yu Nue Feng (玉女峰, literally Jade Maiden Peak). Yu Nue Feng is now officially recognized as the Middle Peak of Hua Shan.

The South Peak, Nan Feng, consists of three summits. The highest summit is Luo Yan Feng (落雁峰, literally Dropping Swallow Summit), with an elevation of 2154.9 meters. To the east is Song Gui Feng (松檜峰, literally Pinaceae Juniperus chinensis Peak), and to the west is Xiao Zi Feng (孝子峰, literally Filial Piety Son Peak).

The West Peak, Xi Feng has only one summit and it is known as Lian Hua Feng (蓮花峰) or Fu Rong Feng (芙蓉峰), both literally mean Lutus Flower Peak. The elevation is 2082.6 meters. This is the peak with the most beautiful view of the mountain.

With the development of new trail to Hua Shan in the 3rd to 5th century along the Hua Shan Gorge, the peak immediately to the north of Cang Long Ling, Yun Tai Feng (雲臺峰, literally Cloud Terrace Peak), was identified as the North Peak. It is the lowest of the five peaks with an elevation of 1614.9 meters.

The Middle Peak is Yu Nue Feng(玉女峰, literally means maiden peak), which was a summit of the East Peak.

(source: wikipedia)

There are two walking trails leading to Huashan's North Peak (1613 m), the lowest of the mountain's five major peaks. The most popular is the traditional route in Hua Shan Yu (Hua Shan Gorge)华山峪(自古华山一条路) first developed in 3rd to 4th century and with successive expansion, mostly during Tang Dynasty. It winds for 6 km from Huashan village to the north peak.

A new route in Huang Pu Yu (Huang Pu Gorge, named after the hermit Huang Lu Zi who lived in this gorge in 8th century BC) that follows the cable car to the North Peak is actually the ancient trail used prior to Tang Dynasty which has since fallen into disrepair. It had only been known to local villagers living nearby at the gorges until 1949, when a group of 7 PLA with a local guide used this route to climb to North Peak and captured over 100 KMT soldiers stationed in North Peak and along the routes in the traditional route. This trail is now known as "The Route Intelligent Take-over of Hua Shan" and has reinforced in early 2000. The Cable Car System stations are built next to the beginning and ends of this trail.

From the North Peak, a series of paths rise up to the Cang Long Ling, which is a climb more than 300 meters on top of a mountain ridge. This was the only trail to go to the four other peaks, the West Peak (2038 m), the Center Peak (2042 m), the East Peak (2100 m) and the South Peak (2160 m), until a new path was built to the east and walk around the ridge in 1998.

Huashan has many temples and other religious structures on its slopes and peaks. At the foot of the mountain is the Cloister of the Jade Spring (玉泉院), which is dedicated to Chen Tuan(陈抟, 871-989) or Master Xīyí(希夷先生). The temple that built by Emperor Hang Wu Ti(汉武帝)of Hang Dynasty, Xiyue Temple(西嶽庙),is ranked as the No. 1 temple among the 5 sacred mountains(“五岳第一庙").(而建于汉武帝在位時的西嶽庙,有着“陕西故宫”和“五岳第一庙”之稱誉,這是五岳中建制最早和面積最大的庙宇). Huashan is one of the sacred mountain for Taoism.

If you know Chinese, the blog article from http://synyan.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!1pke1atbC-jPGExNNnM98VzA!2576.entry is a good read. This is in view that the scenic points in China and Huashan are descriptive by using Chinese language including proverbs and stories from kongfu movie and classic literature books. e.g. Hua Shan Yu (Hua Shan Gorge) or 华山峪 is "自古华山一条路" which is translate to " from the ancient time there is only one road in Huashan".

The classical literature praised highly of Huashan since ancient time. Zhang Binglin(章太炎, December 25, 1868 — June 14, 1936) was a Chinese philologist, textual critic and anti-Manchu revolutionary. From his research, it revealed that Huashan is one of the source of Chinese civilization(华山是中华民族文化的发祥地之一). Zhonghua(中华), Huaxia(华夏), the names used to represent China or Chinese civilization, are derived from the name of Huashan(“中华”、“华夏” 皆因华山而得名). The name " Hua(华)" means Chinese e.g. Huaren mean Chinese people. Hua Shan can also means the mountain of Chinese. Many ancient scholars and poets have been to Huashan, including Du Fu(杜甫), Li Po(李白), not only that historically 56 emperors had visited Huashan. Huashan is significant in Chinese history, both culturally, politically, and in religion.

“巨灵咆哮劈两山,洪波喷流射东海”, 詩仙李白; how am I to translate it in English?....by enlightened poet or heavenly poet(詩仙) Li Bai or Li Po(李白). Some believe that Li Bai's birthplace is Chu, Kazakhstan while another candidate is Suiye (Chinese: 碎叶城;) in Central Asia (near modern-day Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). However, his family had originally dwelt in Shaanxi Province(陝西省成纪), what is now southeastern Gansu(甘肃靜寧), and later moved to Jiangyou, near modern Chengdu in Sichuan province, when he was five years old. Li Po had been to Huashan often, and left many poems and calligraphy carving on the rocks. Carving poems on the rock is a form of Chinese art. In Huashan, you will be indulged in the atmosphere of Chinese classic art and literature, surrounding by nature, and the interaction of nature and human expression of their love.

The kongfu classic literate or Wuxia novels(武俠小說) have always used Huashan in their stories; and Huashan sect(华山派)is one of the powerful sect in kongfu(功夫) or wushu((武術)or Chinese martial arts. The Huanshan sect originate from Huashan or Hua Mountain. Huashan sect is good at sword fighting. The other major sects are Shaolin sect (少林派)from Shaolin Monastery (少林寺), Wudang Sect(武當派) from Wudang Mountains (武當山),Emei sect(峨嵋派)from Mount Emei (峨嵋山) and Kunlun sect(崑崙派)from Kunlun Mountains (崑崙山). The novels by authors Jin Yong (金庸), Liang Yusheng (梁羽生), Gu Long (古龍), Wen Ruian (溫瑞安) are the popular one. The world of martial arts is called Jianghu (江湖). So Huashan is a popular place for people from Jianghu, they will challenge their opponents to fight or compare their skills in martial arts, especially sword fighting, they called it "Huashan loon chian"(華山論劍)or literally means the discussing or sharing of the sword fighting skills at Huashan, to compete for the best sword fighter in Jianghu(爭奪當世第一高手之榮耀). Huashan become famous among the people from Jianghu or martial arts world , and the Wuxia novels readers. That is why Huashan is the top prize for all martial art hero or Jianghu how jia(江湖豪杰), maybe the roughness and difficulty of the climb reflect the spiritual pursuit of martial art students. It is also the place for people who are not willing to work for the emperor or involved in the Jianghu anymore, decide to spend their life hiding and farming in the mountain. These people who have isolated themselves from Jianghu and outside world and escaped in Huashan are called hermit from Jianghu(江湖隐士). Here, you are really in the story of Wuxia novels(武俠小說)....in Huashan - the natural Disneyland of Wuxia novels......

In the Mountains(by: Li Bai (701-762) translated by Shigeyoshi Obata)

Why do I live among the green mountains?
I laugh and answer not, my soul is serene:
It dwells in another heaven and earth belonging to no man.
The peach trees are in flower, and the water flows on....

Extract from http://synyan.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!1pke1atbC-jPGExNNnM98VzA!2576.entry :



山路很长。一路上经过" 白蛇中箭处”和“混元石”、“鱼石”、“三里坝”、“五里关”、“石门”、“毛女洞”。这条长长的山路叫“华峪”,是给诸人热身用的——而事实上诸人早已热了,在入山的地方偶就把厚牦牛绒衫脱掉了。不过毕竟是四月的山间,雾气颇重,悠悠的山岚吹来还正是凉。猛然间才发现已可看见呼出的雾气了,说明气温应在十度以下吧!








(extract from http://synyan.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!1pke1atbC-jPGExNNnM98VzA!2576.entry)


千尺幢千尺‘山童. “幢”意为:1、chuáng,古代旗帜一类的东西; 2、刻着佛号或经咒的石柱子;3、zhuàng,<方>量词。又听当地山民发音是“chuǎn”,于是猜想“千尺幢”大概是指“千尺的咒文铺陈的山路”吧!

HuaShan Plank Path Walking華山長空棧道

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